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Greetings! Let’s talk about Nepal; home to the Himalayan mountains and Mount Everest 🏔️ and bordered by China and India!

As I wrote this, I was laying down in a 34-hour train ride traveling through Southeast Asia… What an adventurous life Adrianna and I are living! Never did I think I’d do something like this, but it is also crazy how normal the constant change is all feeling. We’ve definitely adapted to a new norm and are starting to wonder what it’ll be like to be back in routine in America. Speaking of which, we have started to prayerfully consider what we want to do after the race, so please pray for us also.

Nepal 🇳🇵

We were in Nepal for about 2 months. Our time in there was “All-Squad: Guys and Girls edition,” where everyone is hosted together in the same place but we’re split into teams of guys and girls. Adrianna and I were split into an all-women and all-men’s team. What a great opportunity it was to learn how to foster godly male and female communities!

We were hosted by a man of God who has so many connections all across Nepal. We took bus rides all across the country and got to stay in 5 unique places. So A LOT happened.

I am not disclosing the host’s name or the locations because it is illegal to evangelize and these people and churches could get in trouble.

Because of this, our biggest ministry was loving on local believers in local churches, encouraging them and strengthening them in the faith to fight the good fight and run with endurance (Hebrew 12:1-3).

We participated in a lot of house fellowships and home visits. There was one house fellowship where 30 or more people were shoved in this small house all to worship the Lord! Some people even had to sit outside and our singing went out to the community. How beautiful is that! It truly felt like I was in the book of Acts and a part of the early church.

Persecution is very real in Nepal. Hindu Fundamentalists target churches and try to shut them down so please pray for the church in Nepal!! There is SO much opportunity and potential for the Spirit to move in these believers and in this country.

Also, the power of prayer was truly on display in Nepal and something I personally grew in. Because we weren’t always able to evangelize, we prayed a lot for the local area and people we met to encounter Jesus. We saw people healed and met whole families who came to the faith because of a miraculous healing in the past. This is such a blessing for me because I prayed about being able to see and experience healings before the race and the Lord really answered my prayer.

Finally, we got to adventure! We did a 3 day hiking adventure in the Himalayas where we saw incredible views and met with locals in the mountains. We got to share the love of God, give out Bibles, and share a meal with them.

Thank you again to everyone who donated money towards Bibles a couple months ago. Because of your generosity, we’ve been able to give Bibles to believers across Africa and Asia! 

Thank you also to our friends and family and to those who donated to help make the mountain trek possible. We love you guys! God is so good. Also thank you to our hosts and translators who were so much fun to connect with!

Until next time,

Adam and Adrianna Borst

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