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Sorry it’s been awhile since updating you all! We recently hit the halfway point of the race. That’s brought a mix of emotions. We’re definitely feeling the weight of being away from all our friends and family for 6 months yet still being 5 months away from seeing everyone again.

We’re starting to realize that while we do have a lot of time left, our time has been flying by and the race is going to come to an end. With that, thoughts of life after the race are beginning to surface.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the future and stresses of life. I personally (Adrianna) can struggle with being afraid to go outside of God’s will for my life. Thinking and praying about our life after the race has only made this resurface.

Obeying God has been a very strong pursuit of mine and has guided my entire walk with Him. Honestly, I didn’t see anything wrong with that and at first glance, you might not either. However, over the past couple months in Nepal, God has slowly revealed the unhealthiness behind that.

First, the Lord revealed that fear is at the root of this desire. I truly love the Lord and want to be as close to Him as possible but I don’t always operate out of His perfect love for me. I get so afraid of what might happen if I’m not obedient or if I step outside of His will. As a result, fear steps in and is the driving force for my obedience.

Ultimately this fear has paralyzed me in many circumstances. When I’m praying and seeking the Lord, I struggle to step out in faith and trust in Him because I don’t want to make the wrong decision. So instead of potentially making the “wrong” decision, I do nothing.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” ‭‭1 John 4:18

It’s good to obey the Lord but He wants us to obey out of our love for Him. We don’t obey so that He will love us. He already loves us.

Through this, God kindly and gently showed me that I had everything out of order. Obedience is a result of our love for God. When we seek Him first, we can receive the fullness of His love and operate out of that.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

By seeking Him first, all else comes into place. Not only that, but there is a deeper intimacy with the Lord that far outweighs anything else. His love is the greatest gift of all!

As I receive more of His love, it will become easier to walk in obedience out of love and not fear. Instead of staying still in fear, I will be able to step out in faith, knowing that the Lord is with me and will guide me back even if I am disobedient. We only have to seek Him.

I’m grateful that the Lord loves us enough to reveal where we’re being led astray and that His grace covers us. Praying that you feel the love and grace of God today.

Adrianna & Adam

6 responses to “Seek First”

  1. Hi Adrianna! It’s great to hear how things are going. Thanks for your honesty with your struggles. You are definitely missed at OVV! I wanted to let you know that I’m headed to Kenya at the end of March on a trip with my church. My 13 year old son is going too. It would have been awesome if our paths overlapped. We are going to Nairobi and the village of Molo where we sponsor a little boy that we will get to meet! Continue God’s work as you travel the world!

  2. Profound words, honey. Too often we all fail to trust that stepping outside of our comfort zone and testing the waters will be against what God has set forth for us. However, it’s in these moments that I personally have found I do, as you said, find myself closer to God, because I lean on him and his wisdom. He provides comfort in the extremely uneasy moments of that “stepping out”. There is continually a steady theme: God has us and as long as we trust, believe, follow, and love him, that will always remain. I am so grateful for all of your opportunity to grow through this journey. I know that whatever lies ahead post race for both you and Adam, that Gid is at the healm, and although unknown and scary, God also has you. Love you more than you know.

  3. God is your firm foundation and He is growing you in this experience as you are stepping out in faith and His calling in this mission trip. You are witnessing every day to people that need to hear about His love for the first time or need the encouragement of other believers. God is pleased by all you are doing and will continue to bless your efforts and when this part of your faith journey is complete He will direct you to the next one because I know you love Him and will be open in spite of normal fears to not being clear maybe as to what He wants, but you have proven already to be obedient. I love and respect your love and obedience to follow Him !

  4. This is beautiful. Yes, fear can be paralyzing. But also yes! God knows!
    It is a day by day, step by step over and over process of seeking His face. May this beautiful time of growth always be something to look back on and say I felt his hand, I saw His heart, I know His promise. He is faithful.

    Mackenzie’s Mom, Summer
    Hug my baby, tell her to write a blog post, we pray for y’all daily.

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